VENO NEWS: Goodbye PrairieFire

VENO NEWS: Goodbye PrairieFire



改訂 3
親作品 5662840979456000
元作品 5662840979456000

OFFICIAL: The Veno PrairieFire is being discontinued The Veno team aknoleges all the tears being shed by hundreds of fans because the PrairieFire was unique and quite the fast little car. The new vehicle is inspired by the PrairieFire. What will it feature? Think of a more luxurious, wider, aerodynamic, and much faster PrairieFire The official name: Veno PATRIOT


全長 0.75 m
全幅 12 m
全高 6.25 m
重量 4.482 t
体力 1490
火力 0
装甲 0
加速 0
出力 14940
コスト コイン 0 / ゴールド 0
アプリバージョン 1.2.3