Prescesky PATRIOT

Prescesky PATRIOT



Craft ID
Revision 14

The most luxurious vehicle on the market: the PATRIOT. Leather surrounding you on every corner and multiple driving modes to choose from. The “Luxury” mode quiets the engine down and enable S-RIDE* electronically controlled suspension while “SPORT” makes it more agressive. However, the “[VRI]” mode disables the S-RIDE* and turns this luxury into a more agressive sleeper sedan with 702 hp (6.8L V8)


Length 6.25 m
Width 3 m
Height 1.62 m
Weight 2.298 t
Toughness 710
Offense 0
Defense 0
Thrust 2400
Output 7070
Cost Coin 4340 / Gold 0
App Version 1.2.3